Supporting the little steps that make the big things happen

Support us

You really are incredible…

People like you make it possible for Chuckle Productions to help support children and their families to take those little steps, which make the big things happen, we couldn’t do it without you. Thank you!

Friends of Chuckle 🙂

For less than a coffee and a cake a month you could be making such a difference to the future and lives of children and young adults with additional needs by joining our Chuckle Friends membership scheme today.

Donate to Chuckle

If you would like to support Chuckle by making a one-off donation or set up a regular donation to Chuckle please visit The Peoples Fundraising Page here.

Easy Fundraising

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be collecting free donations for Chuckle Productions?

There are over 3,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation, including Amazon, John Lewis, Aviva, thetrainline and Sainsbury’s – it doesn’t cost you a penny extra!

Fundraise with us

Thanks to individuals like you, Chuckle Productions is able to provide vital support to children and their families, enabling them to take small steps that make a big difference. Your generous contributions to our fundraising efforts make all of this possible, and we sincerely appreciate your invaluable support. Thank you!

What to do? Here are some ideas!

  • Bake Cupcakes and sell them
  • Do a sponsored 5K, 10K ½ Marathon or walk for Chuckle
  • Run a coffee morning, pamper or ladies’ night
  • Try a Raffle, or a Bring and Buy.
  • Run stalls at local markets or events to promote Chuckle.
  • Crazy hair days at work/ school
  • Charity Fashion Show
  • Sponsored Disco
  • Swim lengths of your local pool.

Corporate and Business Sponsorship.

As we are a not-for-profit organisation, we rely on grants and donations to fund our work. The wonderful programmes we deliver make such a difference to the individuals who attend and their families. The last few years have been hard for Chuckle, as for so many similar organisations, but we are still going strong and striving to grow and reach even more children and young people than before.

Funding could help towards:

  • Employment: for the ongoing development and employment of young adults with additional needs to gain meaningful and fulfilling jobs.
  • Ongoing running costs of our projects for children with complex and profound needs. For example, our 1:1 sessions cost up to £30 per child per hour.
  • Specialist equipment and resources
  • Core costs of running the building.
  • Funding towards securing new premises to allow us to grow and reach more families & to open a Community Arts Hub

You can join us and help support the children and young people of Chuckle to reach their full potential. Your investment in them will help to ignite a spark within them, help them to imagine a better future and shine as the wonderful unique people that they are.

Benefits to your organisation.

  • Become more involved in your local community and increase PR opportunities.
  • Increase your reputation and brand, building your Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • Increase your social media connections.

For more info contact: [email protected] or [email protected]

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